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Writer's pictureDurgin

Next week preorders!

Venditti says, in "Amici mai", that "Certi amori non finiscono, fanno dei giri immensi e poi ritornano" (Certain loves are never-ending, doing enormous circles, then come back) and I can say that the Hounds of Zorn Uzul are a good example of this theory.

Davide sculpted these guys a long time ago, as a part of a bigger range focused on Zorn Uzul that has to be paused since he started to work as a traffic policeman (oh, the irony!) here in Turin. I was undecided about how to handle this little fellowship of grim cops, at that time, so I decided to put them on the bench for a while. Then I started to work on the Elves' range, and the hounds of Zorn remained silently aloof, patiently waiting for their chance to shine.

The Elf campaign required (and still requires!) a lot of extra efforts, both because we happily gathered A LOT of backers (between the campaign and the Pledge Manager, more than 1000 customers to serve!), both because some frustrating setbacks occurred during the production delayed the delivery of the rewards. Despite I'm not happy with this situation, 2022 might be the chance to put in the pipeline some minor projects that are willing to play their cards on the battlefield, before starting to work not only on the new KS campaign (the big-scales range), but above all before starting to work on the main project of 2022 2nd half and 2023: the Orcs of Inneath!

The "Makasete! Edition" is only one of my crazy ideas to spice up this year, I'm currently working on two exciting side-projects, whose code-names are the Polpetta Project and the Chromatic Range (you know I love to give weird names to my project).

"Polpetta" is the Italian word for meatball: an amazing dish born to re-shape the leftovers into something tasty -often better than the original dish they belong to!-.

With the Polpetta Project I want to give a place in our store to all those unfinished projects of mine and realize an improved version of some of our existing kits that I'm not totally happy with (you know, I'm a Virgo so I'm always not totally happy with anything).

The Hounds of Zorn Uzul are the first entry of my Polpetta Project, a small and nice addition to our Dwarfs range, and you can bet that soon you'll see many others unreleased divertissement finding their place on their side. I love my little miniatures, but this doesn't mean that they are perfect: I decided, when I have some time and extra resources to invest, to make all those minor changes to make some of them better. For example, I would like to resculpt the Iron Crow Veteran's axe in order to make the decoration easier to paint (I'd see!), and I would like to slightly change some of our sculpts to make them more catchy. This is the Polpetta Project: re-shape, re-use, improve.

The Chromatic Range, on the other hand, is another little marketing experiment I would like to try in order to make things more exciting for my beloved community, an idea I had in mind thinking about...Pokémon!

You know that there are regular Pokémon and chromatic Pokémon, which are simply ultra-rare alternatively-coloured versions of Pokémon.

I play Pokémon games since Pokémon Blue/Red, and believe me: I never found a wild chromatic Pokémon. Never.

Valerio, instead, seems to be blessed with the holy power of finding them anywhere.

So I thought: how can I take this thing and bring it into my job?!

The answer is...the Chromatic Range!

From now on, once in a while, I will make slightly different versions of some of our characters, and I'll send them to my customers instead of the "regular" version.

These alternative sculpts will be extremely rare, I plan to make 5-10 copies of each, so you have to be extremely lucky to find one of them in your box.

Cool, isn't it? Well, I hope so.

I know what you're thinking: "what about giving me those damn Elves I ordered when I was young, and stop doing nonsense!?", and I don't blame you for that.

Well, I don't know if it's because of my brand-new daughter, or maybe it's because these two last years of pandemics made me see everything in grey tones, but I feel more than ever the urgency of making something...special!

So, while I complete the endless task of fulfilling Elves' boxes (I see the light!), I can't help but think about a way to bring some new enthusiasm to this website.

The next week I will open the preorders of the Hounds of Zorn Uzul and of the Makasete! Edition #1.

Why should you preorder them? Easy to say: if you preorder the Hounds of Zorn Uzul, you will pay them 30€ instead of 38€, and if you don't want to miss the chance to grab one of the 250 copies of our first mysterious release, it's better to be the first in line!

See you at the next post, my friends!

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Feb 05, 2022

Not sure the Pokemon catcher in me loves the idea of the Chromatic Range though xD


Feb 05, 2022

I am in, as always

Feb 05, 2022
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