Put on your finest mithril outfit because, in a month, you'll all be invited to the grand gala of Ranks&Files, the new range of miniatures that will finally give the wargaming world what you've always dreamed of: even more Dwarves!
To add further excitement, and pressure on my shoulders will be the double debut concerning this project, the first to be financed not with a classic Kickstarter campaign, but on Patreon. Needless to say, tension is palpable here at Durgin's house, my heart rate has already been steady at 160 beats per minute for a couple of weeks, and I've already begun to imagine two diametrically opposite futures: one where I'll be awarded by Fumika Baba with the "best Dwarf kit in history" award, directly in the attic of Shibuya where I'll move, the other where I'll have fled to Venezuela to escape creditors, smuggling pesto to survive.
"Durgin? Lo siento señor, no sé este nombre. ¿Quieres un poco de pesto?".
I'm already practicing.
Nonsense aside, on April 4th, a new adventure branded DPF will begin, and I'll finally be able to fulfill one of my childhood dreams: to create an army of Dwarves that would make even the proudest Elf envious.
To celebrate this month leading up to the big event, I thought of giving you a little surprise (and also allowing you to have a sneak peek of this new range!): you can already download this super cool Dwarf Warrior!

So, you can already start planning your color scheme! You'll find the file already supported (and tested), all you have to do is decide whether to equip it with a hand weapon and shield (as in the photo) or with a great weapon (with or without a shield), and then print as many as you want!
Remember, don't forget to tag me if you share your first Ranks&Files Dwarf Warrior on social media: not only will you help the project gain a bit more visibility (which is greatly appreciated!), but I admit I'm very curious to see it painted in many different variations.
Among all the Dwarves I see shared, I'll choose my favorite and give them a free month of Patreon, so don't be shy: sharpen your brushes, activate your most powerful precision runes on them, and get busy!

Surprise surprise!
I think you will appreciate this compliment: I instantly recognized the cover of the army book.
Well done, you keep impressing me <3
I'll be there for sure, also, cannot wait to see your tutorials!
Strong 6th ed cover art vibes from this Dwarf Lord.
I dig it a lot.
Good luck Matteo! 🙂 I'll be there, at least in the beginning, to support the effort! (I have too many minis and files nowadays...)
Hopefully some other races will join later on 🙂
Wow, is this going to be a monthly Patreon?