This Friday is my birthday and for once I want to celebrate it in time!
Unfortunately, I'm not able to offer you my renown amaretti&chocolate cake, but at least I can offer you great deals on the store!
I've already told you, for example, about the discovery of a long forgotten miniature of us: Lord Eckhard. It sold out in about 30 minutes, a nice swan song for the vampire, but indeed I found something more, during my annual "summer cleaning".

This is what I found in these days, another old miniature of us sculpted at the beginning of our journey: Ilya!
At that time I was searching for some interesting idea to design Elves, and I thought about a kind of Saint Seiya style for their armors. Saint Seiya has been one of my favorite anime since childhood (along with Samurai Troopers...yes I loved "guys with fancy armors") and with my friends we spent a lot of free time, during primary school, to fight pretending to be Golden Saints.
Being born under the sign of Virgo, I was one of the most powerful fighters, of course.
Or, at least, I "should" have been. In reality, all my friends punched me crying "Lightning Bolt!!" or "Scarlet Needle!!" or "Great Horn!!" while I was like "Oh 'cmon! I removed your 5 senses with my contactless attack, you can't move nor see nor make anything!!".
But they, that weren't gentlemen at all, ignored the powerful but abstract attacks of Virgo.
Primary school is savage.
However, despite people refuses to recognize the clear superiority of Virgo, this character owe a lot to my childhood passions and if you want to paint a cloth, here is your man. Or better, Elf.
My girlfriend wants that I paint it with Shun's color scheme, and for this reason you must help me to sell all the remaining 17 copies of this miniature, so I can keep on happily paint my Dwarves.
However, let me say an important thing: it's not easy at all to create a special sales event!
During these last days I thought a lot about how to offer you some interesting deals, without bothering those that already placed an order in recent times.
Indeed, I would be extremely pissed off, if I bought something at full price and then I see it at half price two days after!
For this reason, I carefully checked the most recent orders, seeing what products have been sold lately. Unfortunately (well, luckily!) you bought a lot of different miniatures, so in this Birthday Week I will offer special price only on a few products, like Urghor, or the Priestess of the Golden Boar.
But, obviously, only a few miniatures on sale can't be considered "an event", so I had to find other way to surprise you.
Under my girlfriend's suggestion (so, if you don't like this thing, it's only her fault. Please haunt her, not me), I've then decided to make Cpt. Durgin available individually, 'till the end of this week.

But then, I thought: what about those that placed an order recently: they would be probably annoyed by the idea of having to pay double shipping costs.
For this reason, I will offer you free shipping costs, on order above 12€, from today to September 1st.
During the checkout of your order, you only need to insert the promo code: BIRTHDAY.
PS: we're experimenting some video tutorial shoots, in these days, and I'm overwhelmed by joy. I think we can really create something cool, in the next months. Stay tuned!