Grimorian and Apprentice
Summer sale
The Grimorian was designed when I was in Liguria, last Summer.
At that time, I felt like a prisoner: in fact, there was almost nothing to do, there, apart from walking across the Ligurian mountains or go to the beach. I know, it seems funny, but it isn't so much, after the third month of imprisonment.
However, maybe to mentally escape from that situation, we (I and my girlfriend) invented the Grimorian and those creepy creatures called Flonzi.
The Grimorian was born after having watched the series (and read the book of) "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell", a really inspiring show and reading: in fact, the whole Second Government thing came in my mind inspired by it!
This kit contains a Grimorian and Apprentice, made with the most inspired resin of our world.