Agent of M.A.S.K and Flonzo Attendant
Every fantasy lore worthy of respect needs at least a funny, weird-looking mascotte.
Orcs have Grots.
Ogres have Gnoblar.
Fantasy, in general, have Elves.
For my range, I thought about at least two types of creatures that will work as funny mascotte: the Mechanical Familiars and...Flonzi!
When I designed Flonzi, my friends thought that I was crazy (and a bit disturbed, too). But people seem to really love these creepy creatures, so who is disturbed, now?!
Probably all of us.
This kit contains an Agent of M.A.S.K and a Flonzo Attendant, made with the most disturbing resin of our world.
€ 13,50Price
VAT Included