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Join date: Nov 11, 2018


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A small group of dwarf adventurers who roam the lands in search of lore and magic. Being the Father of the small clan of elves and a wrangly gobbo we explore with the likes of Penelope (purple hair of course) the Starhammer, her little brother XanDar fey Goblin who rides on his chameleon the tri horned cham’cham and thier trusty hounds Milo the Sausage and now Olivia the Stout ! Together we adventure forth!! Luckily I brew only the finest ales, which have been offered in the dwarf king's halls!!! No doubt my ales are sought after and protected with grim determination by my own dwarf steel! Though most usually dont even get that close due to " Whisper" my crossbow with dragon forges bolts that rend armor like leaves in the wind.

Karlos " Crowbearded " Gomez

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