Hunter of Erdraz and Hunting Bulldog
If you ask parents if they have a favorite child, they usually answer you "I love all my children equally". Such a lie. We all know that parents do have favorite children. For example, in my family I'm the favorite one.
And in my dwarven family, the Hunter of Erdraz and his Hunting Bulldog are my favorite ones. I know, it's unfair. I know, all dwarves are amazing. But these two buddies are just...a bit more amazing than the others, for me.
This kit contains a Hunter of Erdraz and a Hunting Bulldog, made with the most privileged resin of our world.
Size and Scale
Our miniatures are sculpted in wargame scale (heroic 32mm).
A standard dwarf is 23-24mm height.
€ 15,00Price
VAT Included