So: only 4 days left to the beginning of our new Kickstarter campaign and I confess I'm starting to feel like a monkey on a rollercoaster. That kind of "what the hell am I doing here!?".
I think it's normal, and maybe one day I'll nostalgically remember this electric adrenaline that now is running wild through my body.
Before going on, however, let me thank those who are really making these days of mine way more serene to deal with: Valerio, who has managed to sculpt ALL the characters and Stretch Goals planned for this range, and my girlfriend Giorgia who has already completed the Kickstarter video. Despite the previous campaign, when we had to start the crowdfunding with only 13 characters sculpted on 15, and not a single Stretch Goal ready, and we started to edit the video the day before the beginning of the campaign (yeah, it was totally crazy), I have now plenty of material to make a great and professional presentation of our project!
This not only calms down my anxiety, but I think that it gives a more clean and polished look to this project. Oh yeah, and it will drastically decreases production times, which is even more important!
During the last campaign, in fact, we had an unexpected success and so we decided to offer to our backers a lot of unplanned stuff: obviously, it was amazing to be able to design and produce 10 more characters and a lot of freebies, but we lost almost 5 months, after the campaign, only for sculpting them!
To avoid this situation again, or at least to minimize it (I secretly hope for another unexpected success that gives us the possibility of sculpting more stuff!), this time we did our home-works like disciplined students and we are able to show you since the beginning this project in its entirety.
I'm really happy about that, and I hope you enjoyed to see the progress of this journey during the last months (well, year!) of us.
But let's take a break from my wall of text, and let's see the last 2 Stretch Goals planned for this campaign: "An unfortunate predation" and "The Mighty Knight".

As you may imagine, reading its name "An unfortunate predation" is a little scenic accessory that tells the story of an unlucky Erdraz, that tried to eat a poor Flonzo and, in fact, succeed.
However, we all know that Flonzi, for reasons not yet understood, have the power to bring a dramatic bad luck to all those that deal with them.
Observing the scene we see that, probably soon after having bitten the Flonzo, a huge boulder crashed on the lizard head, killing it.
Only an unfortunate coincidence?
A kind of divine punishment?
Probably, but I'd rather say that the poor Erdraz was Flonzed.
The Mighty Knight, on the other hand, brings in the scene probably the most imposing Flonzo ever. Before going on, let me reassure you: yes, the Flonzo Knight is a separate part, and you can "assemble" the dog without it. But be careful: such an affront could cost you dearly and I don't want you to be Flonzed, too!
Maybe you're wondering why some Flonzi have hair and moustache, and some others are hairless, but don't worry: there is a precise .
Flonzi are, in general, hairless. For this reason, those of them blessed with hair of above all moustache, are considered a kind of prominent personalities inside the Flonzi society.
It is said, also, that the more a Flonzo gains social status, the more hair grows on their little creepy bodies!
These two Stretch Goals will be an exclusive feature of the Mighty Mega Box and Friendly Mega Box, and I think they complete perfectly this range adding that kind of weird humour that I like so much (please, try to bear me!) and interesting pieces for your diorama or bases in general.

As you may expect, my panicometer is running wild, reaching already an orange level, also known as "damn, I forgot my car parked in that toll parking!!", one of the worst nightmares for a Ligurian guy like me.
However, today I think I will be able to finish all the graphics for the campaign page and all the technical stuff, so I'm quite happy: I will have time, in the next days, to polish all the details, cry a lot and prepare a dozen trays of tiramisu, indispensable to face the unknowns of the first days of funding.
I have no idea how this project will go, but if you have enough tiramisu by your side, you shall know no fear.