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The stock of the situation

2019 is almost over, and indeed it has been a year full of changes and news, here in Durgin Paint Forge. As we all love to do, at this time of year, my brain also needs to take the stock of the situation and share with you the current state of health of DPF, how our ongoing projects are developing and a brief view of the next future.

Let's think about this post as a kind of investors meeting, without buffet (buuuuu!) but without boring, endless speeches too (hooray!).

Durgin Paint Forge is proceeding with the wind behind us, indeed, and despite the Second Government campaign initially did not fund greatly as the Kazhuk Izril one (here I tried to reflect about it), during the year we collected more funds with the Pledge Manager, that has gathered more doubloons than expected (thank you guys!).

As you may imagine, for a small manufacturer carried on by literally three individuals (I, me and myself), with ambitious goals, it's important to carefully plan each step of our Evil Plan.

About that, a part of me is a bit disappointed, because I have so many ideas in mind that I'm sure you would love, but it's frustrating to be obliged to bench the vast majority of them, because of budget and time issues.

However, I would be extremely ungrateful if I wasn't happy about how far we've gone in these last years: the Dwarves of Kazhuk Izril have been really welcomed by the miniatures community, and I'm really proud to send these guys all around the world, on daily basis!

Moreover, the Second Government range is almost ready and will hit the market soon, in early 2020: its production is going according to schedule, and it seems that we will be able to start to ship the Kickstarter rewards in time!

If I look at my favourite manufacturers (I think one day I will dedicate a blog post about this topic), I still feel so little and puny, but every time I see on my desk the Iron Titan, waiting to be painted, I'm really thankful and proud about what we achieved, despite all the compromises we have to face. We are such a small manufacturer, but I dare to say that we are also a badass one.

We are like the honey badger.

So, to answer the first point of this topic, I would say that DPF is growing nicely, according to plans: after we broke the ice with our Dwarf range, we consolidated our position with our Second Government collection. From now on, we are able to bring our banner at higher peaks and, ironically, the bannermen of this new era will be the Elves!

Talking about them, I'm quite pleased and unexpectedly happy about how the first characters of this new range have been welcomed by the community: we always try to do our best and design the finest miniatures we are able to, but indeed these new pointy ears are winning the favour of many!

This makes me really happy, and indeed have changed a bit my plans for 2020 releases, going for a full-Elves release, concerning the next Kickstarter campaign (sorry, my dear Orcs, you should wait a bit, yet!).


You surely have noticed that, lately, our online store has seen many products going out of stock.

This is surely a good news, because it means that you are not tired of new Dwarves, and we are selling a lot of them.

I'm really thankful because it seems that you are really liking what we are doing!

With our resin guys fully focused on the Second Government production, you may understand why the restock of our Dwarves is requiring so much time, but don't worry: we plan to have a full restock of our store in February, with the official release of the human range!

the zorn uzul mystery

You probably are wondering what happened to the Zorn Uzul range that I've announced some months ago.

Indeed, my plans concerning it have been a little messed up by an unexpected defection of the sculptor that should have managed it. The original plan was to sculpt a small release of Dwarf and Human characters, based on the Zorn Uzul lore, including a new, mighty Iron Titan kit.

Valerio sculpted the first character (the soldier that rides a steam Vespa), but the other sculptor suddenly forfeit, so I don't know how or when or if we will be able to manage this side-project (wich I care so much about!).

In January/February I think I will be able to update you about this release, so please keep your fingers crossed!

year greetings

So, here we are, at the end of another year spent to create miniatures for your (our!) pleasure.

Despite I will dedicate a proper post to the year greetings (I have to announce a special event!), let me anticipate how much I'm happy about what we are building altogether.

You are supporting our goals with sincere enthusiasm, and this makes me extremely grateful and proud.

Thank you for giving us the chance to carry on our dreams, I wish you all a mighty new year, with even more Dwarves than before!

(and Elves...I know, they are cool almost the same).

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